

You do not need to register to use the standard version of <<reversemytrailer .

However, if you would like to access extra features (see below) you do need to register.

You can register your copy now by clicking on the 'Register' menu option of the simulator program and entering your email address.

Please note that registration is only currently applicable to the Windows version of the simulator.


We would like to say a big thank you to everyone who has contributed to the project, so we are planning to unlock some extra features just for you!

Anyone who has provided help or support (including advising, testing, technical or financial support) will be added to our list of contributors.

To find out if you already qualify as a contributor, or how you can become one, please register your copy of <<reversemytrailer now.

Below is a list of features currently available only to contributors. Please click on any feature for more details:

© 2019
Technospeak Limited

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